Dr. Okeny Charles Kinyera (Ph.D)

Dr. Okeny Charles Kinyera (Ph.D)

Dr. Okeny Charles Kinyera (Ph.D) is the National Director for The African Heritage Conservation Initiative (TAHCI) in Uganda. Dr. Charles was born in 1983 in Pader district, Northern Uganda. He holds a PhD in Archaeology of Makerere University, Kampala; Master of Arts in Archaeology of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; BA Education (History and Economics) of Kyambogo University, Kampala and a one-year Graduate Research Attachment of British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA), Nairobi.  Currently, he is a Senior Consultant Archaeologist with Newplan Uganda Limited, a company managing Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). He is also a Part-Time Lecturer of Archaeology and Heritage at Kyambogo University, Kampala. In the recent years, he worked with Bishop Barham University College in Kabale; Department of Museums and Monuments, as well as private consultancy in physical cultural resources assessments, relocation and restoration.  Charles has great experience in East African archaeology and heritage and has worked with different archaeologists and heritage managers in various projects in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya and Comoros Islands.